Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mini Art School Numero Uno

The first activity that I chose to complete was the Alignment Exercise on p. 87 in the Designs Basics Index.  The activity suggested that I create an ad for a toy store first using alignment in a structured way and then producing a similar advertisement, but this time I needed to use alignment is a more free flowing way.  Well, let's just say that my mind really has a hard time thinking in a non-linear way.  I have created two advertisements, however, both seem to use alignment in a more structured manner. See if you can guess which ad I intended to be the more loosely structured of the two.

Advertisement #1
Advertisement #2

Composition #1

Composition #2
Both Compositions

The second activity that I chose complete was all about composition (p. 71). The goal of the exercise was to help me fill in space in many ways. I started off by creating 12 different sized rectangles on a word document using the auto-shapes tool. I then printed out two copies of the rectangle layout and started to sketch.  As you can see, the first sheet that I began to sketch contains basic shapes. I held this sheet horizontally as I began to fill in each square. As I made my way across the paper my doodles became a bit more detailed. For the second sheet, I held the paper vertically. I did this because I wanted to change the way I saw the rectangles, hoping that this would give me a bit more inspiration and steer me away from filling in the negative space with hearts, stars, and smiley faces. I worked my way down the page in a right to left motion. I began to bend the rules of the exercise a bit as I made my way across and down the page. The original directions requested that I fill in each box with geometric shapes. As you can see, I did that for the first set of squares, but on my second composition sheet I began to use more organic or free form shapes and lines. I also just started filling in the negative space with my pencil rather than drawing distinct lines and shapes. By the end (bottom left), I was able to draw attention to another part of the rectangle rather than having the main focus of each box be in the middle.

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    I'm guessing that the second ad is the looser of the two. I like the way you enlarged the text in the middle and allowed for the rest to go around it. It's a pleasing effect and, with the right text, could grab the attention of the audience. I prefer the layout of the text in the second ad versus the first ad. But I like the placement of the images in your first one better. You have a good eye for alignment. Again, my main critique of the first one is simply the narrowness of the left column. As for the second one, the placement of the images feels artificial. But, in all honesty, since this assignment is about a fake toy store, it's tough to be completely authentic. Great job! Also, I appreciate the slight change up in the aesthetics of your blog. Looks nice!
